Quick Facts

Serpent Sting


Spell Details

Duration 15 seconds
School Nature
Mechanic n/a
Dispel type Poison
GCD category Normal
Cost 9% of base mana
Range 35 yards (Hunter)
Cast time Instant
Cooldown n/a
GCD 1.5 seconds
Effect #1Apply Aura: Periodic Damage
Value: 28 every 3 seconds
PVP Multiplier: 1
Effect #2Apply Aura: Mod All Damage Done % by Caster (Arcane, Fire, Frost, Holy, Nature, Physical, Shadow)
PVP Multiplier: 1

Affected Spells:
Auto Shot Mongoose Bite Volley
Serpent Sting Multi-Shot Raptor Strike
Raptor Strike Arcane Shot Concussive Shot
Serpent Sting Serpent Sting Serpent Sting
Serpent Sting Serpent Sting Serpent Sting
Serpent Sting Raptor Strike Raptor Strike
Show 78 More
Raptor Strike Raptor Strike Raptor Strike
Raptor Strike Raptor Strike Raptor Strike
Raptor Strike Raptor Strike Raptor Strike
Raptor Strike Raptor Strike Raptor Strike
Mongoose Bite Mongoose Bite Mongoose Bite
Arcane Shot Arcane Shot Arcane Shot
Arcane Shot Arcane Shot Arcane Shot
Arcane Shot Multi-Shot Multi-Shot
Multi-Shot Volley Volley
Distracting Shot Multi-Shot Serpent Sting
Raptor Strike Raptor Strike Serpent Sting
Arcane Shot Multi-Shot Volley
Steady Shot Mongoose Bite Raptor Strike
Raptor Strike Raptor Strike Raptor Strike
Serpent Sting Serpent Sting Arcane Shot
Arcane Shot Multi-Shot Multi-Shot
Steady Shot Steady Shot Mongoose Bite
Kill Shot Steady Shot Volley
Volley Kill Shot Kill Shot
Aimed Shot Scatter Shot Aimed Shot
Aimed Shot Aimed Shot Aimed Shot
Aimed Shot Aimed Shot Thrill of the Hunt
Aimed Shot Aimed Shot Chimera Shot
Explosive Shot Explosive Shot Explosive Shot
Explosive Shot Black Arrow Black Arrow
Black Arrow Black Arrow Black Arrow
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